Monday, November 3, 2008


So, school's getting the best of me. But I haven't given in quite yet. That said, I have a significant backlog of books I have read but have not written about. This, I do not like. I have Poor Folk and Other Stories by Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Village of Stepanchikovo by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Notes From Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Funeral Party by Ludmila Ulitskaya, and Moscow to the End of the Line by Venedikt Erofeev. As you can see, my reading has not only been Russian heavy, but rather weighted toward Dostoevsky as well. That is primarily because I am taking a class devoted to the reading of Dostoevsky. I am also taking a class on modern Russian literature. I am enjoying them quite a bit.

Right now I am listening to Andrew Bird's "Scythian Empires" and appreciating the art of whistling. It is an art, along with singing, which I have never mastered. The closest approximation of which I am capable is akin to the shriek of a kettle as the water begins to boil. That is, of whistling, not of singing.

In any case, I thought I should update my blog, just for the sake of updating. I have been slowly piecing together a review of Poor Folk and Other Stories though I completed that a good 1.5 months ago. Fortunately, my semester ends in a little over a month, so I will be able to catch up then. Until then, I may very well be silent. However, we can always hope that won't be the case.

Spencer Miles Kimball

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