Winnie-the-Pooh. I love you too. I purchased a pretty little yellow-covered copy (say ten times fast) for a strange reason--because my friends and I use the character names as nicknames for each other. Oh, which one am I, by the way? I oscillate between being Pooh and Eeyore. I likes mah honey.
So I figured I ought to actually read the book, given how much we refer to it. So I did. It was fantastic. Though I remembered most of the stories through their television counterparts, the actual writing and off-hand narration of the father-figure was excellent. Our introduction to Pooh in the first story goes as follows: "Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it" (3). Embedded in a narrative which is essentially an affirmation of a child's love for his toys and imaginary creations as well as a record of their interdependency, this is a glimpse at a different sort of experience. We see a child's innate lack of sensitivity to his possessions, the disregard that can accompany true and deep affection. (Picture obtained at
But I love Pooh for a wholly different reason, not at all related to any sort of over-analyzed social commentary. I love the logic. I don't know if I can explain it entirely without quoting a HUGE chunk of text, but I'd like to avoid doing that. It is, simply, the logic of a child translated into adult terms. See, if you have a copy available, the passage immediately preceding Pooh's climb up the tree in the first chapter. Other examples are scattered throughout.
The least impressive aspect of the book are the little chants and lyrics that come at intervals. I might just be spoiled by Brian Jacques' epic attempts in his Redwall books, but I've seen far more interesting and valid attempts at poetics in books for children. These are just lame.
The love in this book, the father's for his child, the child's for his toys, and the toys for each other, is what really pulls this together. There is an episode in the second part, in which Pooh is stuck in Rabbit's home. Pooh asks Christopher Robin, "'Then would you read a Sustaining Books, such as would help and comfort a Wedged Bear in a Great Tightness?' So for a week, Christopher Robin read that sort of book [to Pooh]." It offers a sort of thematic cohesion which, while common enough in simplistic books, especially for children, feels all too fleshed out and real to be written off. Winnie-the-Pooh is worth your time, even if you aren't a child. Especially if you aren't a child.
I'll leave you with a little bit of wisdom from Christopher Robin: "'That's why he [Pooh] likes having it told to him again. Because then it's a real story and not just remembering'" (20).
Spencer Miles Kimball
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